Getting to Know You

The start of term is drawing nearer, so let us take the stress out of the first morning and use our suggested getting to know you games that we have used.

  1. Ask the class a question, such as ‘what was the best place you visited in the holidays’. Give each child a piece of paper and get them to write their answer down. They all go in a hat. Everyone pulls one out of the hat. The class have 5 minutes to go around the room, asking each other questions and trying to get the answer back to the person who wrote it. When they do find the owner, they need to ask them a question about the visit ready in case the teacher asks at the end!
  2. String the conversation: The teacher prepares by cutting string or wool at 15x2 different lengths. (or how many children are in the class). They are handed out and the children need to find the matching length of string and then sit and ask them questions that the teacher has put on the board (what is your name, your favourite subject, what are you looking forward to this year etc.)
  3. For older students, you could create a silhouette characteristics poster. Using old magazines (save these over the summer) everyone cuts out words that describes themselves. One at a time, the teacher calls the students up and they stand in the ‘set’. The set is a desk lamp shining against a wall with blank paper behind. The teacher (or another student) draws the silhouette. The children then fill their silhouette with the words they have cut out of the magazine, and these can be used to create a form room display. If anyone is feeling a little negative or low in the class, you could switch it so that all the children find a word for someone else and they put these on the posters, so that it becomes more of an affirmation.

For more ideas these websites are useful;
