Here is a science lesson from our newest book in the 101 Inclusive & SEN lessons!
Round and Round the Playground
Learning Objective
Pupils can demonstrate the simple properties of sound and
Additional Skills
Kinaesthetic: moving fast and slow
Gross motor: using and operating playground equipment
Auditory: listening for changes in sound and speed of heart
A4 laminated stop and go, fast and slow symbols
Smaller laminated fast and slow symbols
A4 recording sheet titled ‘Experiment’ with 3 columns
labelled ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘results’ and rows for ‘running fast’, ‘climbing
fast’, ‘walking slow’.
Access to playground (or if necessary PE) equipment
Whiteboards and pens
Adult supports the children to sit in a
semi-circle in the playground.
Adult explains that today we are going to listen
to our heartbeats to see if they are going ‘fast’ or ‘slow’. We will then do some exercise and listen to
our heartbeats again to see if they are ‘fast’ or ‘slow’
Ask the children “Do you think your heartbeat is
fast or slow?”
Support the children to add a fast or slow
symbol to the ‘Guess’ recording sheet in the ‘before’ column.
Support the children to work in pairs to use the
stethoscope to listen to their heartbeats.
If possible use a whiteboard and pen to tally the beats as they hear
Ask the children to guess if their heartbeats
will be fast or slow after running fast by placing a laminated fast or slow
symbol on the ‘guess’ recording sheet in the ‘after’ column.
Next adult uses the large ‘fast symbol’ to ask
the children to run fast around the playground.
After a short time e.g. 1 minute of running, adult counts down
“5,4,3,2,1 running finished”. Support
the children to sit back down in the semi-circle and listen to their heartbeats
Adult asks, “Are your hearts beating fast or
slow after running?”. Support the
children to choose a smaller laminated fast or slow symbol and then place it in
the ‘results’ column in the row ‘running fast’.
Repeat this process for ‘climbing fast’ and
‘walking slow’.
Support the children to sit back in the semi-circle and look
at the recording sheet together. Look at
how many times guesses were right or wrong, comment on when heartbeat was
fastest or slowest.
Consolidation Activities
When the activity is repeated extend the guessing and
recording aspect by accessing different PE equipment at different speeds or in
different ways e.g. guess a fast or slow heartbeat before sitting on the
roundabout, listen afterwards and record.
Guess a fast or slow heartbeat before pushing the roundabout, listen
afterwards and record. Begin to look at
results across different equipment and different activities to make more
informed predictions.
For more inclusive science and computing lessons check out our new book '101 Inclusive & SEN Science and Computing Lessons' to support developing a creative and inclusive classroom!
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