5 Questions with Ashleigh Johnson- Autism Lead

 Name: Ashleigh Johnson
Job title: Autism Lead
Twitter: @ashpostspics

1. Tell us about your role?
I get to promote inclusion and positive outcomes for pupils with autism in an inner London primary school with an autism resource base. This includes leading the resource base and supporting mainstream teachers to support pupils with autism in their classes.

2. An interesting point about SEN you would like to share 
Working in SEN is like detective work - it’s important to gather as much information from our pupils, their families and circles of support. Then, using that to figure out the best plan of support - one strategy doesn’t work for everyone!

3. Best resource you have used
The outdoors

4. Your funniest moment working in SEN
I laugh everyday - but probably the funniest was the proper belly laughs of one child when introduced to Rebound Therapy (on a trampoline) for the first time!

5. What would you do if you were prime minister for the day?
Provide everyone (especially TFL and airport staff) autism awareness training to make travel and daily life easier for people with autism and their families

Thanks Ashleigh! 
