Inclusive Computing Lesson

We are now in the process of publishing our fourth book in our 101 Inclusive and SEN Series, and are really excited that we are at this point.

To celebrate that we now have three books published, we are sharing a lesson from 101 Inclusive & SEN Science and Computing Lessons.

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Walkie-Talkie Wondering

Learning Objective

P8 pupils use ICT to communicate and present their ideas.

Additional Skills

Fine motor: operating a walkie-talkie
Communication: using preferred method of communication to express an idea
Social communication: listening and responding to a partner
Kinaesthetic: moving around the school building


Puzzle pieces that make up a complete puzzle (how many depends on how long you wish the activity to last!)
2 walkie-talkies in full working order
Laminated symbols/photos of different areas of the school
Switch (if needed by the child to communicate)


·         Support the child to choose a partner for this lesson.
·         Adult shows the children the puzzle pieces and explains that Child A will hide a puzzle piece somewhere in the school and will use the walkie-talkie to tell Child B where that is.  Child B will then run and find the puzzle piece while Child A goes onto hide the next piece.  This will continue until all the puzzle pieces have been hidden and then found again.
·         Adults support Child A and Child B to take part in the lesson.  If needed the adult can support Child A to choose their next hiding location by showing them the laminated symbols/photos of different areas of the school and supporting them to make a choice.
·         Once all the puzzle pieces have been found Child A and Child B swap roles and take part in the lesson again.


When the children return to the classroom support them to complete the puzzle together and then use a camera or tablet to take a photo of the completed puzzle, this could then be added to their learning journey that week.

Consolidation Activities

The walkie-talkies could also be used during playtime as part of a game of hide and seek.

Teaching Note: If the child has difficulties speaking into the walkie-talkie the adult can use the switch to pre-record the name of the location that the child can then press to communicate with their friend via the walkie-talkie. 
