5 Questions with Lauren Miller- ASC Class Teacher

Name: Lauren Miller
Job title: SEN teacher
Twitter: @LMillerwrite

1. Tell us about your role
I am an early years teacher in an autism resource base.

2. An interesting point about SEN you would like to share
Using signing to support language not only helps the child to understand language, but also allows the adult supporting to articulate themselves more effectively and to think about exactly what they want to communicate. 

3. Best resource you have used
Flour. Children can write in it, build with it, draw pictures; it's a great way for sensory tactile children to be introduced to new textures, because it can easily be brushed away. Adding glitter, powder paint and sequins can make it extra fascinating, especially when making clouds when the children clap their hands together.

4. Your funniest moment working in SEN
Growing butterflies in our class from caterpillars, and accidentally dropping their enclosure on the floor while they were in their chrysalis. They all started squirming and me and the team were horrified, thinking they were goners! The children, on the other hand, found it hilarious. Thankfully, all the butterflies hatched normally a few weeks later! 

5.What would you do if you were prime minister for the day?
Make everybody work in a school for a week. /i think if politicians and people in general could see how much hard work is being put in to ensure young people, especially vulnerable children, have the best start in life, they would think more about the repercussions on their decisions and their outlook on society. 
