5 Questions with Jane Daniell- PMLD Teacher

Name: Jane Daniell
Job Title: PMLD Class Teacher

1. Tell us about your role
I currently work with a PMLD class of KS4/6th form young people. They all have extremely complex needs and some have major medical needs too.

2. An interesting point about SEN you would like to share
I always like to get to know my pupils before i read their EHCPs as each pupil has their own personality, quirks and foibles. Diagnosis and learning outcomes are important to ensure they receive the support they need to help fulfil their own potential. I always try and push the boundaries as I do not like to put a ceiling on what I feel they can achieve. 

3. Best resource you have used

4. Your funniest moment working in SEN
Where do I start? I think it is some of the things pupils say, especially when they try to apply a language phrase to a current situation. A classic for me being when I asked an 11 year old boy on the autistic spectrum what he was doing laying under a tree? He looked at me as if I was being stupid and replied 'shade bathing'. Nothing I could say..... 

5. What would you do if you were prime minister for the day? 
Ensure that the children i the education system got the support they needed through an appropriate school to help them develop into adults who knew their place in scones and were able to make a contribution to their community, whether it be a smile to brighten someones day, or being prime minister themselves. 

Thanks so much Jane. Jane is an extraordinary PMLD teacher, and has written some guests blogs for us on creating a WW2 topic for younger PMLD learners- search our blog to find them! 
