5 Questions with Jane Taylor- Headteacher

Name:  Jane Taylor
Job title:  Head teacher
Twitter: @jayteepit

1. Tell us about your role
As head teacher of a two-form primary with an ARC for pupils with Autism, I am priveliged to work along side children every day.  Most despite disadvantage, come to school with enthusiam and love of learning.  My favourite parts of the day are first thing in the morning on the school gate, welcoming families into school and assemblies where I have opportunity to see the children and share their, news, fears and successes.  unfortunately a good proportion of my days is not with the children.

2. An interesting point about SEN you would like to share
It is a need that can be addressed through understanding and flexibility

3. Best resource you have used
Great people, Assertive conversations and social stories, 

4. Your funniest moment working in SEN
In my first years of teaching, before I understood what ASD or Aspergers was, I had a girl in my class who was very literal.  I ask the children to get changed for PE.  She asked for clarification, I pointed out her peers were taking their clothes off.  I don't recall exactly what I said to her, but she came in to the hall stark naked!  the beauty of the class was one of them told her to put her PE kit on, and none of them ever mentioned it again.

5. What would you do if you were prime minister for the day? 
regarding education I would like policies regarding school practice clarified clearly and obviously like more generous funding.   I am not sure I would find it in a day!

thanks so much Jane!  
